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Service Design Maverick


The Home Office Biometrics (HOB) needed to transition from a program-led to a product-led approach to development, improving the efficiency and relevance of their biometric services.



As part of the Police & Public Protection Technology’s Centre for Digital Design team, I helped implement a product-led approach to development while embedding user-centered design principles across all product teams.


Conducted user research and workshops to understand user experiences and needs. Mapped user journeys and created service blueprints.



Supported the transformation by aligning user needs with project requirements, enabling efficient backlog prioritisation.

Role: Service Designer

Client: Home Office

Location: London



This approach led to more agile and user-focused development, reducing costs and enhancing user satisfaction.


Key Achievements


  • Pioneered product-led Discovery at HOB

  • Streamlined development cycles, avoiding unnecessary features

  • Successfully implemented user-centered design principles

Key Takeaways

Embedding user-centered design principles in development processes can lead to more agile, cost-effective, and user-friendly solutions.


Tools & Technologies


  • Agile practices

  • Collaboration tools

  • User journey mapping

  • Service blueprinting

Team Collaboration


Collaborated with cross-functional teams, including technical architects, project managers, and designers.



The transition to a product-led approach and the integration of user-centered design principles have significantly improved HOB's development processes and user satisfaction.


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